
A Targeted Approach

The MEL is proud to announce the formation of the New Jersey Cyber Risk Management Fund – CYBER JIF

Faced with a hard cyber insurance market and even more limited options for local governments to obtain cyber insurance, the MEL launched a first-of-its-kind Cyber JIF on January 1, 2023.

Modeled after the Environmental Risk Management Fund (E-JIF), the Cyber JIF will offer cyber insurance coverage and risk management tools to assist local governments with mitigating the financial and security risks of cyber threats in today’s landscape.

Cyber security IT engineer
Cybersecurity and data

Cyber Risk Control Services at Your Fingertips

Cyber JIF members have access to tools to protect their organization from evolving digital threats.

We’ve teamed up with D2 Cybersecurity, a leader in cyber risk management, to provide you with essential tools for Cyber Awareness Education & Phishing and External Vulnerability Assessment.

Cyber News

The latest news and warnings about cyber threats and events.

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