The Cyber JIF has created a Secure Documents page to allow members to access important information about our Cyber Risk Control Program. This includes checklists, framework and technology requirements, incident response plans, and deductible information.

You must be a member of a MEL affiliated JIF to access these materials. To view these materials members must be approved by their JIF after completing the Registration form below and creating a username/password.

CYBER TRAINING: Please note creating a login/password for this website does not provide access to Cyber Security training. If you are having trouble logging in to complete your Cyber Training, please email support@D2cybersecurity.com.

Click the button above to begin the registration process.

IMPORTANT: Please note that it may take up to 48 hours to have an account approved an activated.

After you receive the approved access email, Login at the top of the page and enter your username/password.

If you have an account, or if you received an email stating your access has been approved click the Secure Documents button above.

If you receive a “404 This Page Cannot Be Found” message, then you are not logged in.


It can take a few days to approve access to the site.  

Once you are approved, you will receive an email from stacey@princetonsc.com to notify you.  Check your spam.

You have been approved to view the Cyber secure documents page.
Go to login (members only) https://cyberjif.org/login/
Enter Username/PW
If you forgot your password click the forgot password button.
To view documents:
Click on “secure documents” button and you will have access to the page, or hover over the “documents” navigation tab and you will see the secure documents tab appear and you can click on this.

Look at the top right hand side of the website near the search icon and see if it says “Howdy (your name)” if you see this you are logged in.

Hover your mouse over the “Documents” navigation tab on the top of the website. If you see “Secure Documents” in gray click on it and you will have access.

If you don’t see this, you may have an account but do not have “access” to the site.  Send an email to stacey@princetonsc.com for guidance.

If you filled out a registration form, or you tried to fill out the registration form and it says your username is already in use, you have an account.  

Try resetting your password, make sure to check your spam folder for the reset link.

If this still doesn’t work you may not have full “access” and need to contact

<p>If you filled out the form and don’t have access after one week approval may still be pending.

Please send an email to stacey@princetonsc.com with your name, town and JIF affiliation.

If you filled out the form and don’t have access after one week approval may still be pending.  Please send an email to stacey@princetonsc.com with your name, town and JIF affiliation.

  1. Logout of the Cyber JIF website
  2. Clear your internet browsing cache (google, firefox, etc.)
  3. Close your internet browser and then reopen it
  4. Try to login again.
  5. Hover over the “Documents” tab on the navigation bar on the top of the page. If you see “secure documents” appear under that tab you have access and can click to view the materials.

If this still doesn’t work

  1. Click on the reset password text
  2. Check your spam/junk folder for an email from WordPress with a reset prompt.
  3. Reset your password
  4. Login and see #5.

Contact your JIF Commissioner or your Risk Manager. You need to know your JIF to complete the Registration form.